Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window) http://india.gov.in, the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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Programs & Schemes


Save Water Slogan

1. Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Sector Program)

World Bank funded Sector Program is based on the principles of Sector Wide Approach (SWAp). The main objective of the project is to scale up the reforms in the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector. This is a pioneer project of India in which SWAp principle is adopted.

GOs issued

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2. Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)

This program is being implemented under direction of Government of India (Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development). The main objective of the program is to accelerate the sanitation coverage in the rural areas so as to comprehensively cover the rural community through renewed strategies and saturation approach

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3. Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance

This program (100% GoI financed) has been launched by the GoI across the country during F.Y. 2006-07. The objective of the program, inter-alia includes decentralized monitoring and surveillance of all rural drinking water sources in the country by the community and capacity building of panchayats to own the field test kit and take up full O&M responsibility for water quality monitoring of all drinking water sources in their respective area.

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4. NRDWP (Sustainability)

Sustainability aims to ensure the availability of safe drinking water, maintenance of desired quantity and acceptable quality standard of water supply services throughout the design life of the water supply systems. The system as well as the water supply source must fulfill these criteria. Project Management Unit is responsible for executing the sustainability related activities under the GoI supported program. Under the NRDWP (Sustainability) program the construction of Roof-top rainwater harvesting tank (RWHT) is being done by the PMU.

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5. NRDWP (Support Activity)

Support activity undertake action research on various aspects of water and sanitation including new technologies, through IEC to provide capacity development of functionaries at all levels. Enhance community participation and demand creation through development of strategies with effective combination of mass and personal communication for different groups. Capacity Building of grass root level workers, PRIs NGOs, State and district level officers and schools teachers, Anganwadi workers, ASHA and other motivators at Village, Block and District level.

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