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Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)



Behaviour change programme, the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBMG] achieved the seemingly impossible task by generating a people’s movement at the grassroots. As a result, the rural sanitation coverage increased from 39 per cent in 2014 to 100 per cent in 2019 with over 10.28 crore toilets built across 36 States/UTs. As of 2nd October 2019, all districts across India had declared themselves ODF. The Government of India, in February 2020, approved Phase- II of the SBMG with a total outlay of Rs. 1,40,881 crores to focus on the sustainability of ODF status and Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM). SBMG Phase II is planned to be a novel model of convergence between different verticals of financing and various schemes of Central and State Governments. Apart from budgetary allocations from Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation and the corresponding State share, remaining funds will be dovetailed from 15th Finance Commission grants to Rural Local Bodies, MGNREGS, CSR funds, and revenue generation models, etc., particularly for SLWM. SBMG Phase-II will be implemented in mission mode from 2020-21 to 2024-25.

The key objective of SBM(G) phase II is to sustain the ODF status of villages and to improve the levels of cleanliness in rural areas through solid and liquid waste management activities, making village ODF Plus.

1. ODF Sustainability

2. Solid Waste Management

3. Liquid Waste Management

4. Visual cleanliness



1.Construction of Individual Household Latrines

Households identified as a new household / left out household, as approved by the district, shall be supported by the Gram Panchayat to construct their Individual Household Latrine. All BPL households and identified APL households (SC/ST households, households with physically disabled person, landless labourers with homestead, small and marginal farmers and women headed households) shall be eligible for incentive up to Rs. 12,000 for the construction of one unit of IHHL including for water storage facility for handwashing and cleaning to ensure hygiene. The aim of the incentive is not to provide the full cost of the toilet but to facilitate a positive change in behaviour for people to undertake construction of their toilet on their own. The identification of such households should be initiated by the Gram Panchayat in Gram Sabha meeting and to be approved by Block and District levels authorities. The details of such new households shall thereafter be entered in SBMG IMIS of DDWS with Aadhaar Seeding as per the extant guidelines of the Government of India in this regard. All the BPL and APL families will be motivated to self-construct their toilets using trained masons so that safe technology as per standard design specifications can be ensured for sustainability.

2.Retrofitting of toilets

 Retrofitting is an action or measure to address a technological gap/problem affecting a toilet’s functionality and excreta management process including its sanitary status, e.g. incorrectly constructed pits, faulty pipes and chambers, absence of ‘Y’ junction, weak or damaged superstructures, pit cover and poor plinth foundation, inappropriate distance between pits, depth of pits, or wrongly built septic tanks.

3.Construction of Community Sanitary Complexes (CSCs)

 ODF-plus villages must endeavour to have at least one CSC which may cater to the sanitation needs of floating population. The GP will decide upon a suitable location for construction of CSC that is easily accessible to all, having adequate water availability and where long-term O&M is ensured. For the construction of CSC, priority shall be given to the locations with predominant SC / ST habitations, poorest of poor in the village and/or those visited by migrant labourers / floating population etc. O&M of such complexes will ultimately be the responsibility of the GPs. The GPs should also endeavour to operate and maintain the CSC through ‘Pay and Use model’.

4. solid waste management

Villages must be provided with an adequate number of individual and community compost pits for biodegradable waste including agricultural & cattle waste, and an adequate segregation and collection system for plastic waste. States will have the flexibility to adopt technologies as per their need and context. Solid waste management activities can be implemented by the Gram Panchayat or by engaging an agency/group of individuals or as per protocol prepared by the State Government/District Administration. The number and location of such assets should be as approved by the Gram Sabha / Block / District Administration and as indicated in the Action Plans. Agencies for implementation of activities, especially at Block and District levels should be carefully selected based on their past work experience, technical capability and value for money.

The Following Activities are undertaken under SWM:-

Bio-degradable waste management

A. Household level Compost pit

B. Community level Compost pit

C. GOBAR-dhan (Galvanizing Organic Bio- Agro Resources–dhan)

D. Plastic waste management

5. Liquid waste management

Villages must be provided with individual / community soak pits for greywater generated from kitchen use and bathing, and storm water. Provision may also be made for appropriate treatment systems for any black water from the overflow of septic tanks, as may be the need. Greywater management interventions will be undertaken in consonance with the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in villages as envisaged in the Village Action Plan for JJM. The amount of greywater, flow of greywater, discharge arrangements etc. shall be taken into consideration while designing greywater management interventions.

6. Faecal Sludge Management

Faecal Sludge Management shall be taken up for those households where retrofitting is not possible. Faecal Sludge Management involves judicious selection of one of the three interventions: trenching, co-treatment or an FSM Plant. For peri-urban or densely populated villages in which many households may have septic tanks, co-treatment options with existing Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) facilities of nearby urban or rural areas should be employed wherever possible.

Financial System for different components as follows:-

Components Financial assistance
Incentive for Construction of IHHLs(BPLs and identified APLs); Rs.12,000/- (including provision for water storage facility for hand washing and cleaning to maintain hygiene
SLWM Activities Village level SLWM Activities/  Village Size Financial Support
Upto 5000 Population Solid Waste Management: Upto Rs.60 per capita Grey Water Management : Upto Rs.280 per capita
Above 5000 Population Solid Waste Management: Upto Rs.45 per capita Grey Water Management : Upto Rs.660 per capita
Note:- 1. 30% of amount will be borne by the GPs by their 15th Finance commission grants. 2. Each village can utilize a minimum of total Rs. 1 lakh based on their requirements for both solid waste and greywater management.
District Level SLWM Activities Plastic waste management unit (one in each block) Upto Rs.16 lakh per unit
Faecal sludge Management(FSM Upto Rs.230 per capita
GOBAR-Dhan projects Upto Rs.50 lakh per District
Community Sanitary Complex(CSC) Rs.3 Lakh. Note:- 30% of this will be borne by GPs from 15 FC.