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NRDWP- Support Activity



Support activity undertakes action research on various aspects of water and sanitation including new technologies, through IEC to provide capacity development of functionaries at all levels. Enhance community participation and demand creation through development of strategies with effective combination of mass and personal communication for different groups. Capacity Building of grass root level workers, PRIs NGOs, State and district level officers and Aanganwadi workers, ASHA and other motivators at Village, Block and District level.

Project Management Unit, Swajal Project is already engaged in capacity building activities of various stakeholders of water supply & sanitation sector under the sector program. GoUK vide its letter no. 77/29 (1)/ 2012-(01 Pey) Dated 02 February 2012 has declared PMU as Water & Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO) for carrying out similar activities under GoI funded National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP).



Support activity undertakes awareness creation, demand generation and full participation of community in all stages of execution for water supply and sanitary facilities in housed, schools and for leaner environment, it becomes imperative to communicate complete information and right messages in a holistic manner to every village community member and program functionaries.

Capacity Building Activities: All stakeholders involved in the implementation of the rural water supply and sanitation sector can be classified into four broad categories, which are Stakeholders at (a) the apex level, (b) strategic level, (c) intermediary level and (d) grass root level. Accordingly, a detailed Capacity Building Program for them has been designed.

(a) Apex level: State level trainings for elected representatives of the State (MLAs/representatives of PRIs), policymakers and opinion makers including NGOs, has been conducted, with the aim of sensitizing them towards RWSS sector reforms. To sensitize the apex level various workshops, exposure visits, meetings and conferences etc. are being imparted on regular basis.

(b) Strategic level: District level trainings for DWSM, ZP and DIAs for orientation and implementation needs, along with skill enhancement, motivational needs, experience sharing, team building and exposure to sector reforms and sector strengthening. Centre for Good Governance, ATI, Nainital has been engaged for Social & Management Training and Continuing Education Centre, IIT, Roorkee has been engaged for Technical Trainings.

(c) Intermediate level: Capacity building program for PRIs and SOs. The program covers capacity building of all field level functionaries working for facilitation of program on key areas of institutional arrangement, roles and responsibilities.

(d) Grass Root level: SOs and DIA impart training for strengthening the capacity of grass-root level institutions/functionaries like PRI, UWSSC, Community Groups and Grassroots workers.

At state level PMU organized In-house training i.e., Training of Trainers (ToTs) of SO staff on planning and implementation aspects while at district level the DPMUs imparted orientation as well as refresher training to the SO staff. Main while SOs has a critical role in the successful implementation of the program. They have to ensure successful completion of the capacity building program at GPs, community & UWSSCs level. During planning and implementation phase of the project SO impart training on the stipulated points. These are:

During Planning Phase:

During Implementation Phase:

IEC activities- Information, Education and Communication is vary essential for creating demand for safe and potable drinking water & sanitary facilities in the rural areas. These activities are being done to aware people about operation & maintenance of water supply assets, water quality issue like water quality monitoring, health and related diseases, sanitation and hygiene. IEC includes:

Interpersonal Communication (IPC): IPC is an effective media tool. Various activities are organized at different stages of the program like orientation training workshops, implementation stage, conflict resolution and problem solving stages. The following IPC tools have been listed for program villages:

Mass Media Campaign/Audio-Visual Publicity: Use a combination of TV, Radio and Newspapers to generate mass awareness in a short span of time.

School Rallies: School rallies are being organised in the school to educate children about health and hygiene.

Folk Performances & Street Play: Folk performances & street plays are organised in participating GPs to sensitise community about the program so that it shapes in to movement.

Bus Panels: Bus panels are used to reach the program GPs and beyond. The mass media advertising is carried out at regular intervals to keep the issues alive in the minds of community and encourage the community to come forward for participation in the program.

Hoardings/Banners: Hoarding and Banners are utilized for reminding the messages on move. The visible reminders are necessary to convert social campaign into movement. Only short & crisp messages are disseminated through them.

Distribution of Pamphlets, Brochures: Pamphlets & brochures which contain detailed information about the concepts and philosophy of the program are distributed to the community.

Wall Writing: Wall writing is one of the method through which transparency could be maintained. The SO shall carry out wall writing activity in the GP. The wall writing has to be done at central and conspicuous places like community centers/school wall in the GP. The wall painting will include community/resource map, names of UWSSCs members, UWSSCs account detail, scheme cost and O&M cost. 

Other IEC activities such as participatory rural appraisal, SMS, slogan, picture frames, group meetings and exhibitions are also used to aware people about water supply & sanitation related issues.