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Catchment Area Conservation and Management Plan (CACMP) under sector Program



Catchment Area Conservation and Management Plan (CACMP) is integral part of the sector program. Source protection and its sustainability have been identified as a priority area of intervention under the sector program. The sources include perennial spring water, stream water and uncontaminated shallow and deep aquifers that can be tapped for single/ multi village based piped water supply schemes.

Guidelines for source protection under catchment area conservation and management program.

  1. To check the declining trend of the tapped water sources. 

  2. To increase the source discharge to a minimum of 18 lpm with seasonal consistency.

  3. To protect the water supply scheme structure threatened due to soil & water erosion and landslides.

  4. To create awareness and capacity building of village community by involving them in planning, implementation, operation and maintenance of catchment area protection works.

 Water Conservation and Intensive Recharge Activities under Sector Program:

  1. Rejuvenation of Natural Water Sources 

  2. Rain Water Harvesting

  3. Rejuvenation and Conservation of Naula and Chal/Khal

  4. Plantation of Broad leave species


a) Afforestation

b) Components: Soil and Water Conservation Measures

The structures reduces the runoff speed of water and promote recharging through percolation and also reduces soil erosion.

The following structures are promoted for conserving soil and water conservation in the Catchment.

c) Development of demonstration Grass Patch