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Right to Information Act 2005


Free and Open access to information to citizens is an essential pre-requisite of democracy. A democracy process of participatory decision making can be ensured with full transparency and information sharing. A secretive regime is virtually inefficient because the free flow of information is essential if problems are to be identified and resolve through participation, efficiency and economy. Furthermore, a secretive culture cultivates suspicion and promotes rent seeking which in turn allows inefficiency to thrive and choke the potential for an inclusive growth and development apart from incapacitation political institutions by reducing public confidence in their function and sanctity.

This paradigm shift from secrecy in government functioning to transparency is mainly due to the force of globalization and e-revolution in the present century which has universally made the people all over the world more aware and demanding about their right. People no longer want their governments to work under cloaks of secrecy and especially, the RTI has become more prominent in almost every country with people demanding their governments to be more transparent and accountable. In more than four years since its enactment the Act has thrown open a large number of issues related to its legal significance, process innovation and implementation challenges. Swajal in its own right also contributed to the movement.

Knowledge has always a great source of strength and power. A well informed citizen who is armed with knowledge about the functioning of the organization and institutions which serve public needs is able to draw maximum benefit from the resources. Public participation is also enhance by knowledge about the system and process which are adopted in the process of delivering services. "Access to information" acts as a the bedrock of good governance, transparency accountability and participation.

The Right to Information is one such tool which provides greater transparency in the manner in which government work is conducted, particularly relating to facilities and service provide to citizens. So, keeping in view the basic spirit of the Right to Information Act 2005, it has been realized the information available to citizen so that they can have necessary information about the vision and organization setup of the Swajal Project and the schemes and projects are being executed by the Swajal Project. It becomes essential in the light of larger people's participation in community driven programme like Swajal Project. Effort has been made to provide information of the Swajal Project.

It is hoped that all members of Users Water and Sanitation Sub Committees (UWSSC), persons associated with Panchayati Raj Institutions, Non-Government Organization (NGOs), institutions involved in Environmental, Sanitation and hygiene promotion would be benefited with these information.

In Rules of society unless the context otherwise requires:

A. “Act” means the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act No.XXI of 1860).

(i) The “Society” shall mean the Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project.

(ii) The District Water Supply and Sanitation Mission (DWSM) Will implement the policies laid by SWSM and will Provide RWSS management support at the District level and to the village level for program implementation. The District project Management Unit (DPMU) will provide secretarial and functional support to SWSM in day today functions. The SWSM and DWSM will be regulated by Government orders issued from issued from time to time.

B. “ Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the society as constituted under the rule 12;

C. The “ Chairman” means the Chairman of the SWSM referred to in rule 19;

D. The “Executive Secretary” means the Executive Secretary referred to in rule 20. Director of the Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. shall be the Executive Secretary of the SWSM;

E. The “Director” means the Executive Secretary of the SWSM appointed by the Government of Uttarakhand under rule 20;

F. The “State Government” means the Government of State of Uttarakhand

G. “Secretariat” refers to the Director and staff of the Society who are responsible for implementation of all the activities of the SWSM under rule 21;

H. “Project” means Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project as formulated by the State Government and includes the project as modified and elaborated by the State Government from time to time on the basis of reviews.

I. “Drinking Water Department” means Drinking water & Sanitation Department of state of Uttarakhand

J. “Eligible Village Community” means a village or habitation having a need for and willing to share in costs of a drinking water supply and sanitation scheme, which is technically feasible, economically viably & sustainable.

Access to Information in Swajal Project:

1. Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation Government of Uttarakhand vide notification no.2791/ Twenty nine /05-2 (pey)/2005 dated 27th July, 2005 has declared project Management Unit Swajal Project as public authority under section -2 (i) of Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Department of Drinking water & Sanitation Government of Uttarakhand vide notification no. 2794/ Twenty nine/05-2(pey) /2005 dated 27th July, 2005 has declared Director, Swajal Project, Project Management Unit, Uttarakhand as appellate authority under section -19 (1) of Right to Information Act, 2005.

3. Under Section 5(1) of Right to Information Act, 2005 Director Swajal Project vide its office order number 636/V-146/2005 dated 6th August, 2005 has identified public information officers Department appellate at State and District level public officers as given below-

A. State level -

1 First Appellate Officer (State) Mr. Uday Raj Singh, Director Ph.No.9450166444, Fax No. 0135-2643381
2 Public Information Officer (State) Mr. Sunil Tiwari, Unit Coordinator (M&E) Ph.No. 7017749516, Fax No. 0135-2643381

B. District level

1 First Appellate Officer (District) Mr. Sunil Tiwari, Unit Coordinator (M&E) Ph.No. 7017749516, Fax No. 0135-2643381



Public Information Officer

Phone & Fax No.


Shri.Shushil Mohan Dobhal
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project
Survey chowk,Vikas Bhawan,

Phone: 0135-2669925
Mob: 9410134318



Shri.Sanjay Kumar Singh
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project
Treasurer Road,Vikas Bhawan,
Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand

Phone: -
Mobile: 8191830001




Shri. Deepak Rawat,
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project,
David Bhawan, Upper Chopra, 
Kotdwar Road, Pauri, Uttarakhand

Phone: 01368-222332
Mob: 8755072245

mail-id:- dpmu_pauri@rediffmail.com


Shri Ramesh Chandra Tiwari,
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project, 
Vikas Bhawan, Roshnabad,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand

Phone: 01334-239023
Mobile: 8979653325

mail-id:- dpmu_hdwr@rediffmail.com


Shri. Bharat Bhatt,
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project
P-4, Sector-3 Near Central School,
New Tehri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand

Phone: 01376-233948
Mobile: 9412352165

mail-id:- dpmu_ntehri@rediffmail.com


Shri.Prakash Singh Rawat,
Project Manager,
DPMU, Swajal Project
Panthari Bhawan, District Hospital, Gopeshwar, Chamoli,Uttarakhand

Phone: 01372-252708
Mobile: 7895110587

mail-id:- dpmu_chm@rediffmail.com


Shri. Mohan Singh Negi,
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project
Vikas Bhawan
Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand

Phone: 01364-233492
Mobile: 8475805118

mail-id:- dpmu_rudra@rediffmail.com


Shri. Gopal Giri
Deputy Project Manager,
DPMU, Swajal Project
Kedaralaya Bajeti Doraha
GIC Road, Pithoragarh,

Phone: 05964 264107
Mobile: 9412925575

mail-id:- dpmu_pth@rediffmail.com


Shri. Himanshu Joshi
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project,
Vikas Bhawan,Pratham Tal,
Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand

Phone: 05944-245258
Mobile: 9897120913

mail-id:- dpmu_usnagar@rediffmail.com


Shri. Shilpi Pant,
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project,
Kathayatbara, Khetwal Bhawan
Block Road, Bageshwar, Uttarakhand

Phone: 05963-220248
Mobile: 9760024680

mail-id:- dpmu_bag@rediffmail.com


Shri. Santosh Upadhyay
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project,
Om Villa, Khutani, Bhimtal,
Nainital, Uttarakhand

Phone: 09542 247272
Mobile: 9412085082

mail-id:- dpmu_ntl@rediffmail.com


Shri .Naresh Kumar,
Project Manager,
DPMU, Swajal Project,
Lower Mall Road, (Khatyadi),
Almora, Uttarakhand

Ph: 05962-232524,
Mobile: 9412970003

mail-id:- dpmu_alm@rediffmail.com


Shri. Bilal Younus,
Project Manager
DPMU, Swajal Project,
GIC Road, Kunalgaon
Champawat, Uttarakhand

Phone: 05965 211044   

mail-id:- dpmu_cmp@rediffmail.com

RTI AwardAwards to The SWAJAL PROJECT Uttarakhand for implementation of RTI Act-2005  The Swajal Project Uttarakhand first awarded for preparation of Seventeen important manual of RTI-2005 in first anniversary of implementation of RTI Act- 2005. After that Uttarakhand Information Commission (UIC) in house ranked best implementing departments of RTI Act- 2005. Here The Swajal Project Uttarakhand also in Top Ten Departments. In the year of 2009 Uttarakhand Information Commission (UIC) made  evaluation by a external evaluation committee of implementation of RTI Act-2005 by the departments of Uttarakhand Government. The Swajal Project Uttarakhand wins first position in the implementation of RTI Act- 2005 in all Government departments of Uttarakhand. For this achievement Chief Secretary Mr. I.K. Pandey and Information Commissioner Dr. R.S. Tolia present a Certificate and Memento to Mr. Kapil Lall, Director Swajal Project, Uttarakhand.