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About Us


The Project Management Unit (PMU) of Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Society was registered on 5th March 2001 under the Department of Drinking Water Supply, Government of Uttarakhand as per provision of Societies Registration Act 1860.

Objectives of the Society

The objective of the society is to deliver sustainable health & hygiene benefits to the rural population, through improvement in water supply and sanitation services and to promote the long term sustainability of the rural water supply and sanitation sector by providing assistance to State Government to identify and implement an appropriate policy framework and strategic plan and to function as a resource organization for bringing about the sectoral reforms in the rural water & sanitation sector.

Objectives of the PMU:

A. Water Supply & Catchment:

B. Sanitation:

Role of PMU:

The PMU shall function as a resource organization for bringing about the sectoral reforms in the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector also to implement various programs launched by the Government of India or any other such projects of Government of India/Government of Uttarakhand. As per the Uttarakhand Govt. letter no. 77/Twenty Nine(1)/ 2012-(01 Pay0) Dated - 02 February 2012, PMU will also act as Water Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO).

Activities of the PMU:

PMU is engaged in identifying and implementing an appropriate policy and strategic plan for accomplishing GoUK's URWSS Objectives. Detailed activities would include:


To achieve the above objectives, the PMU shall carry out the following functions (as mentioned in the Memorandum of Association):

(a) To undertake all activities that may be necessary for the implementation of the project and in particular for the achievement of the objectives referred to in article 5 above; (b) To coordinate and monitor the activities for implementation of the project; (c) To coordinate and monitor setting up of Uttarakhand water quality laboratories including procurement of lab equipment and instruments; (d) To obtain assistance of consultants for the following activities: (i) Review of water supply scheme designs;(ii) Environmental sanitation designs;(iii) Water quality monitoring system;(iv) Training (v) Any other activities (vi) Various studies; (e) Construction supervision, monitoring of leak detection, survey; (f) Coordination and management of training programs for personnel of village water and sanitation committees, village facilitators, Support Organizations and village communities including members of Gram Panchayat and Jal Prabhandan Samitis, primary school teachers; (g) To secure active involvement and participation of NGO’s committed to the cause of rural water supply and environmental sanitation; (h) To organise conferences, symposia, workshops etc. on matters related to the project; (i) To make rules and regulation for the conduct of the affairs of the PMU and add or amend, vary or rescind them from time to time; (j) To establish its salary structure and benefit structure and to employ, retain or dismiss personnel as required in PMU and DPMUs. (k) To accept, make, enclose or otherwise execute cheques, drafts, receipts, bills of exchange or other instruments and securities as are required for the conduct of the PMU’s business; (l) To undertake any legal actions that may be necessary to ensure the fulfillment of contracts made between the PMU and others; (m) To enter into contracts without a requirement for government approval, other than that by government representative on the PMU’s Executive committee; (n) To accept or to provide any grant of money, loan, securities or property of any kind and to undertake and accept the management of any endowment trust, fund or donation not inconsistent with the objectives of the PMU; (o) To incur expenditure after drawing up a budget and with due regard for economy and propriety; (p) To prepare annual report and accounts of the PMU; (q) To purchase, hire, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire property, movable or immovable and construct, alter and maintain any building or buildings as may be necessary for carrying out the objectives of the PMU; (r) To take all such action and to enter all such actions as may appear necessary or incidental for the achievement of the objectives of the PMU.

Current Mandate as notified by GoUK:

The current mandate of PMU includes the following:

● To prepare the follow-on-project of URWSSP(Sector Program);

● To provide technical assistance for community development and to do monitoring and evaluation of implementation of various GoI funded program;

● To implement Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA);

● In case of Projects other than follow-on project the functions of the PMU are limited to: (i) Arranging independent certification of the quality of construction, (ii) Appointing Chartered Accountants for auditing, and (iii) Monitoring & Evaluation of physical and financial performance. Conducting Information, Education and Communication activities along with carrying out training program for Human Resource Development.

● Water and Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO):