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NRDWP- Sustainability



The maintenance of desired quantity and acceptable quality standard of water supply services throughout the design life of the water supply systems may be defined as sustainability. The system as well as the water supply source must fulfil these criteria. The sustainability is with reference to Source (quantity and quality) and System (infrastructures). Under program fund component of NRDWP, construction of roof top rainwater harvesting tank (RWHT) is being done by the PMU.

20% of the NRDWP funds will be earmarked for this component on a 100% Central share basis to be allocated among States/UTs, which will be used to encourage States/ UTs to achieve drinking water security through sustainability of sources and systems. This component will be implemented in the form of decentralized, community-managed, demand-driven program on broad Swajaldhara principles wherein innovations will be encouraged. Capital cost sharing by the community is left to the state to decide. The component will be funded fully by the Center (State share not required for the component).

States will be required to prepare district wise Drinking Water Security Plan and funds under NRDWP will be used to fund the gap in the plan.

Factors affecting sustainability of water sources:

For ensuring sustainability of the systems, steps were initiated in 1999 to institutionalize community participation in the implementation of rural drinking water supply scheme by incorporating the following three basic principles:

Basic principles of sustainability